Friday, April 5, 2013


Did you know that dignity is earned not given?A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. well, i was just walking in the streets of Nairobi  one afternoon,  when i met  a young lady walking half naked. who could say that she was not a prostitute? I battled with my mind picturing whether this lady has ever had a mother sit her down  and give her  some advise and the guidelines of honournable and respective  living. Most ladies have lost the culture and the  good behavior our grandparents instilled in us once we were young.

During the easter holiday i was impressed by one of the satements made by one of preachers from Tanzania ,  he said'' kule Tanzania kama mwanaume amemoka mke  ana yule binti  hawe hana zina tabia zinazotakikana  , na mavazi yake hayavai basi anarejesha kawa mama yake akamtunze tabia" this really  caught my attention just to reflect on our very own kenyan culture.

Culture is what  kenyan ladies are lacking. In the midst of all the media influence and peer pleasure  from within, who can stand out to make the difference.
Parents have lost their role in the society, children have adapted new cultures, the family gathering that use to be there never exist  now  the media is playing a big role to  educate and ''culture'' our society, but in the end of it all who will become the looser? think of it.

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