Monday, April 15, 2013


Rains are a blessing, but also rains can be destructive. It was on Saturday evening, the 30th march 2013 when the Pangani girl’s bridge got them in a surprise. No one could ever imagine that a bridge can break and cause such damages as it did in that day. Being a rainy season, the students were going on with their normal day activities, when heavy rains suddenly started. Vehicles where moving up and down on the busy Nairobi -Huruma road.
When the rains were over, the students started moving down the streets and some were crossing to the other side of the school to continue with their activities.  What seemed to be normal that day has turned to be a serious problem.
As the students where on top walking and chatting, the bridge broke into two and they all fell down helpless on the road. People from within, together with the staff members of the school and fellow students   come to rescue them with some getting serious injuries. Those who were injured were taken to the hospital and the rest remained in the school worried and terrified. Every time these students are free, one can see them stand at one gate of the school afraid, and watching the vehicles as they wait to cross to the other side of the school
One afternoon as I was walking to view the site, I could see their teacher follow them from behind as they cross to the other side of the road. It has become a major problem in the school as activities can never go normally as it had been before.
The question remains in the minds of many people who are to blame for all these, is it the school management or is it the government. Who is to blame?

Friday, April 5, 2013


Its sound so unusual to mention some words,but it has come to a time to talk about them.Pornography,  you enter into any cyber cafe in town and the first notice you find  on their notice board and on their walls is '' no watching pornography'' , but guess what, this has become a contentious issue that needs to be adressed  in our society.  pornography is every where, in the billboards, in ours television, in the streets,in the newspapers, books and movies. You open your facebook page and the pictures you find  on the homepage are so devastating. People no longer care about what they post on facebook or in any other social media sited.Face book  being  the most used social media has been used in the most wrong way one can ever imagine.
 Our society seems not to accept  pornography in words but in doing, no one really cares what the youth are watching in their so called cellphones. People no longer use their cellphone for phonecall but also for other ways which  can never please their parents and  God .
You watch the televisions in our country, and almost all the adverts are full of naked ladies, now that the media is in use,what are we doing about this?

 The question is, What is the nation and the country doing in connection to this, do we really care about our future generation, who cares?


Did you know that dignity is earned not given?A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. well, i was just walking in the streets of Nairobi  one afternoon,  when i met  a young lady walking half naked. who could say that she was not a prostitute? I battled with my mind picturing whether this lady has ever had a mother sit her down  and give her  some advise and the guidelines of honournable and respective  living. Most ladies have lost the culture and the  good behavior our grandparents instilled in us once we were young.

During the easter holiday i was impressed by one of the satements made by one of preachers from Tanzania ,  he said'' kule Tanzania kama mwanaume amemoka mke  ana yule binti  hawe hana zina tabia zinazotakikana  , na mavazi yake hayavai basi anarejesha kawa mama yake akamtunze tabia" this really  caught my attention just to reflect on our very own kenyan culture.

Culture is what  kenyan ladies are lacking. In the midst of all the media influence and peer pleasure  from within, who can stand out to make the difference.
Parents have lost their role in the society, children have adapted new cultures, the family gathering that use to be there never exist  now  the media is playing a big role to  educate and ''culture'' our society, but in the end of it all who will become the looser? think of it.


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