Monday, February 5, 2024

Five habits to achieve your weight loss goal

Photo- Courtesy

Are you struggling to achieve your desired weight loss goal?  Well, below are the five habits that you can develop.

1.     Regular exercise

Exercise is considered as one of the most preferred health habits that one must have. For people desiring to lose weight, an increased and regular exercise can help to shed off some weight that one has accumulated over the years due to unhealthy eating habits.

Having too much weight can lower self-esteem for many people and can be so uncomfortable. Exercise has many benefits including lowering levels of depression, stress, and anxiety.

Through exercise, the body metabolism is lowered, and one can burn many calories in a day.

Regular exercise can also help maintain lean body mass and thus help increase the number of calories one needs to burn each day to lose weight.

2.    Fasting

When one is determined to lose weight, it is important to cooperate with intermittent fasting in their plan.  This involves skipping one or two meals each day. It may also include doing away with certain kinds of foods.

Intermittent fasting is mostly recommended to beginners because it does not require one to use more energy like in regular exercising. Prolonged fasting causes the body to burn more calories of the food consumed and start to burn fat. In the long run, one ends up losing more weight and achieving their goal.

3.     Eating low portions of food

Eating large portions of food can result in adding more kilograms than is recommended. People who eat more frequently also risk gaining many pounds which may cause them to be overweight or even obese if they don’t take action.

When one is determined to lose weight, nutrition specialists usually recommend that the person should reduce the amount of food they consume each day.

It is important to reduce foods with high calories, sugars, and facts

4.     Avoiding junk food

Eating Junk foods such as fried potatoes, processed foods, sugary drinks, cakes, alcoholic drinks among others are considered unhealthy and can lead to increased weight loss.

When one is desiring to lose weight, it is important to avoid these kinds of foods as they contain high calories.

Increased intake of foods with high calories results in increased weight. Hence when in a journey to cut weight, one should consider eating low calorie foods.

5.     Taking dinner two hours before going to bed

Most families eat their dinner late in the evening just a few minutes to bed. This has caused many to have increased body mass while others are obese. The most affected are children, who later end up being obese as their parents give them dinner just before taking them to bed.

Taking dinner at least one hour or two hours before bedtime allows the body to digest the food and reduces chances of adding too much weight.


To arrive to your desired weight, one must be intentional and adapt to these tips



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