Thursday, October 30, 2014


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Saturday, October 18, 2014

How social media is driving young people into Zombies

 ( Photo from the internet)Borrowed.

By  Faith Nyamai

Walking along the streets of Nairobi and other major cities, it’s evident that phones have become like ‘the sole social partner’ among many young people. When one is not listening to music, they are either on social media, chatting with their peers through WhatsApp, Facebook, twitter and other avenues.
Literally young people are losing their social being. The time young people could spend in the past chatting with friend’s verbally and visiting each other has been singled out to the small electronic gadget referred to as the phone.
The strict rules by the ministry of education that prohibits the students to have phones in school did not deter students from having the gadgets in school.
I was amazed to meet a 15 year old girl in a school in Nairobi, her name is Princess. She could not spend even a minute without checking up with her friends on the social media, starting one chat after another and sending text messages.
Surprisingly she was sharing with her friend on how she spent her weekend in a luxurious hotel in town with a dude.  
Her conduct reminded me of a recent research which shows how young people have been obsessed with social media.
The research showed that nearly 60 percent of school going children cannot afford to concentrate in their studies because they are thinking on how they can share with their friends on social media sites.
The calculations of simple mathematics are a past reality, which teachers and lectures across the country have to fight among the young people.
The whole goal of becoming a great leader in the near future is not just an effort of the teachers forcing the students but also a heavy load that parents are carrying on behalf of their children.
The coming of social media is also turning children into lazy learners; in fact many of the young people are becoming Zombies.
They sit in front computers to google  nearly each and every question they are asked by their teachers and lectures  have assigned them.
Surprisingly many on them may not remember the answers they answered correctly two day ago, reason being, the google technology makes them especially those with low understanding capacity to duplicate answers while learning nothing.
Last year, a shocking report released by the Uwezo Kenya showed that   most children especially those in public primary schools could hardly read and write.
The report also revealed that over 50 out of 100 children especially under the age of 14 could not comprehend stories written with simple English.
This is just but a small fraction of what social media has turned young people into a focus less generation.
Young people no longer read novels and story books at their own free time as it was the culture of many schools.
While growing up in this generation has become a great challenge to many young people, refocusing their lives can be achieved through embracing positive thinking and learning the art of reading different types of books.
Putting in knowledge and being able to remember is the best definition one can have for being a learned and an educated fellow.
Young people need to realize that through social media and being open minded they can also learn new things and use the technology in discovering new research ideas.
 Instead of wasting time listening endless music through earphones and chatting all day out through the social media, young people can do exploits.
Social media and phones are a positive technology that young people can use to make themselves educated and rich with knowledge.
Martin Luther king Junior notes that the function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. But education which stops with efficiency may prove the greatest menace to society. The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, but with no morals.


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