Monday, September 3, 2012


Life is full of challenges as many say, but should i say that life is full of Joy when you take it positively. I have been thinking why some people are always struggling in life. I came across this people we all see in the streets of Nairobi commonly called the beggars,but have you ever asked yourself  whether this people have homes.
 I have taken time to watch one of this beggars whom i have never bothered to ask of his name, but what surprises me most is that this man always walks with a young man borrowing people many. According to me its like this has become like his career. Should people beg to earn a living. God has given all of us wisdom, and we should use our wisdom to earn living. God  has given each of us a talent which when we use it we can own millions of wealth.

Wisdom is the key word. The Bible talks of one young man named Solomon who became a king at a very tender age.The  very interesting  thing about him is that he prayed and asked God for wisdom, and whatever he did in his lifetime was worthy living a happy life. Friends where is the wisdom God has given to you!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


James 1:19 – 21
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral    filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.’’
This is the whole duty of a man to God to live a righteous life and strife to please God.Many are the time as Christians we move away from God.A righteous man is quick to listen. He listens first to God. Particularly in trials, but at any time when he feels his temperature rising, and he's getting utterly frustrated, and everybody seems to be acting in an utterly stupid way - then he makes sure that he listens to God. He listens to what the Bible says, and especially when the Bible is being preached. He'll be saved from an absolute disaster if he will listen. If the apostle Peter had listened to what the Lord had said there wouldn't have been hot tears and sobs of sorrow the following day.
It is important to understand what Jesus meant when he said His Kingdom and Righteousness. These are the objects that we should seek.
Many people would quickly assume that Jesus is talking about Heaven and therefore would read, “Seek ye first to get to heaven and all these things would be given to you.” But this is not what Jesus was referring too.
Friends may we seek to live a holy life, as our God is holy.


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