Saturday, November 5, 2011

Body exersise .Com 408 PSA

Lack of Boby exersise  is one thing that has caused the many deseases like heart attack, obesity, and other body problems. Its the responsibility of everyone to take care of his /her body and mantain a good health.

Body exersise is what will keep you young and health.Try this and you will have a different story to tell.

Oriflame News. Stand up com 467

          Oriflame is a cosmetic  company      product that has been of great importance to many people. The products are available to all kinds of skin types and are  made to make you beautiful and have a tender skin.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The amazing works of God.

"I am  whom I am", is the name of the most High  God. Its  amazing to see the things that he can do in our midst. I have been in Athi-river Campus Daystar university since 2009, but one thing that amazes me is how the weather keeps on changing.

When its during the month of August and September the place looks hot and dry and  most people find it hard to spend  three hours in  a was just the other day when every one was crying for the rains, and that became like a prayer request during the christian fellowships around the campus.

To my surprise, when the rains come, it talks two weeks and the place turns to be green and beautiful. Who  can fathom the works of God .


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