Thursday, June 13, 2024

Steps of creating and implementing a strategic communication plan


Strategic communications is the process of planning, carrying out, and evaluating the effectiveness of communication activities to meet specified organisational or personal objectives.

Here are some stages to help you create and implement a strategic communication plan: 

1. Define your objectives. Clearly describe the particular goals you hope to achieve through your communication efforts. These could include creating awareness, generating leads, improving revenue, or fostering brand loyalty. 

2. Identify your target audience. Determine who you want to reach with your message. Consider demographics, psychographics, and behaviour when identifying your target audience. 

3. Analyse your competitors: Investigate your competitors' communication methods to determine what works for them and what holes or possibilities you can fill.

4. Create a distinctive value proposition: Clearly describe the distinct benefits and value that your product, service, or concept provides to your target audience. This will help you differentiate yourself from competitors and make your message more attractive. 

5. Select the finest communication methods. Identify the most effective means for contacting your target audience, such as social media, email, events, or traditional advertising. 

6. Develop a content strategy: Create a content plan tailored to your target audience's specific demands and interests. This could include blog articles, infographics, videos, and other content that educates, entertains, or inspires your target audience. 

7. Monitor and measure your results: Use measures like engagement, click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI) to assess the effectiveness of your communications initiatives. Use this information to fine-tune your plan and increase your performance over time. 

By following these steps, you can create and implement a strategic communications plan that will help you achieve your objectives and establish a strong relationship with your target audience.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Nurturing Self-Value: The Key to Personal Growth


Self-value is a critical component of personal growth and well-being. It encompasses people's views and opinions of their own worth, ability, and potential. According to research, a high sense of self-value promotes resilience, motivation, and overall life happiness.
Self-awareness is essential for developing self-esteem.
Understanding one's own strengths, flaws, and values lays the groundwork for developing a positive self-image.
Reflective methods like blogging or mindfulness can help with this process, allowing people to recognise their distinct features and successes.
Setting and completing realistic goals is also important for increasing self-esteem. Individuals' confidence in their abilities and competence is strengthened when they complete tasks and milestones.
Furthermore, surrounding oneself with a supportive network of friends, family, and mentors has a substantial impact on self-esteem. Positive interactions offer encouragement, constructive feedback, and a sense of belonging, all of which help to foster a positive self-image.
In today's fast-paced environment, comparison often leads to feelings of inadequacy. Therefore, it is imperative to practice self-compassion and embrace imperfections. Recognizing that everyone has their own journey and challenges helps in developing a more forgiving and nurturing attitude towards oneself.
Cultivating self-value is an ongoing process that needs self-awareness, goal-setting, constructive connections, and self-compassion. Prioritising these aspects allows people to embark on a road of personal growth, resilience, and fulfilment.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Five habits to achieve your weight loss goal

Photo- Courtesy

Are you struggling to achieve your desired weight loss goal?  Well, below are the five habits that you can develop.

1.     Regular exercise

Exercise is considered as one of the most preferred health habits that one must have. For people desiring to lose weight, an increased and regular exercise can help to shed off some weight that one has accumulated over the years due to unhealthy eating habits.

Having too much weight can lower self-esteem for many people and can be so uncomfortable. Exercise has many benefits including lowering levels of depression, stress, and anxiety.

Through exercise, the body metabolism is lowered, and one can burn many calories in a day.

Regular exercise can also help maintain lean body mass and thus help increase the number of calories one needs to burn each day to lose weight.

2.    Fasting

When one is determined to lose weight, it is important to cooperate with intermittent fasting in their plan.  This involves skipping one or two meals each day. It may also include doing away with certain kinds of foods.

Intermittent fasting is mostly recommended to beginners because it does not require one to use more energy like in regular exercising. Prolonged fasting causes the body to burn more calories of the food consumed and start to burn fat. In the long run, one ends up losing more weight and achieving their goal.

3.     Eating low portions of food

Eating large portions of food can result in adding more kilograms than is recommended. People who eat more frequently also risk gaining many pounds which may cause them to be overweight or even obese if they don’t take action.

When one is determined to lose weight, nutrition specialists usually recommend that the person should reduce the amount of food they consume each day.

It is important to reduce foods with high calories, sugars, and facts

4.     Avoiding junk food

Eating Junk foods such as fried potatoes, processed foods, sugary drinks, cakes, alcoholic drinks among others are considered unhealthy and can lead to increased weight loss.

When one is desiring to lose weight, it is important to avoid these kinds of foods as they contain high calories.

Increased intake of foods with high calories results in increased weight. Hence when in a journey to cut weight, one should consider eating low calorie foods.

5.     Taking dinner two hours before going to bed

Most families eat their dinner late in the evening just a few minutes to bed. This has caused many to have increased body mass while others are obese. The most affected are children, who later end up being obese as their parents give them dinner just before taking them to bed.

Taking dinner at least one hour or two hours before bedtime allows the body to digest the food and reduces chances of adding too much weight.


To arrive to your desired weight, one must be intentional and adapt to these tips


Monday, May 29, 2023

10 Innovative ways African teachers can supplement their income.


The Covid 19 pandemic  exposed major gaps in the education sector in Africa with learners being forced to study at home.
Failure to integrate technology in learning left many children especially those in public schools disadvantaged  even as their counterparts in the private sector continued with their syllabus. Although some countries in Africa reopened schools, colleges, and universities in June, most of the countries have been cautious to reopen. 
In most of the countries, the education sector has been going through various transformation with countries adopting to the competency-based curriculum to enable learners acquire skills that will place them in global competition.
Education stakeholders and African leaders have been asking governments to increase budgetary allocation and increase resources in the education sector to make education more inclusive and accessible to all children.
According to head of ICT Zetech University Dan Njeru the rise of population, the permeation of literacy and availability of educational materials has led to the establishment of new learning institutions, both in private and public sectors, to meet the ever-increasing demand.
“Kenya in particular, being cognizant the leapfrogging opportunities that come with digital economy has ambitiously embarked on reconstructing the education system and curriculum. With the proposed Competency-based curriculum, both learners and educators are required to sharpen their digital skills and competences,” he said
Across the continent, teachers have resulted to using innovative ideas to keep learners in school after the education system was halted by the pandemic.
Below are ten innovative ways African teachers can supplement their incomes especially during this pandemic season.
Virtual teaching.
The closure of schools put pressure on teachers and governments across the world to engage learners in studies while at home.
Several companies have been developing different apps to help teachers teach their students.
For teachers to create a Google classroom, they create a class and include the emails of all their students.
The students are given a classroom code if not invited via email.
A teacher creates assignment and send it to the students, the students do and submit it back to the teacher. The teacher then grades the assignment and submits results.
Mr Njeru who is also helping teachers teach their students at home has created am app that is helping teachers.
“Experienced teachers should consider leveraging their skills and competences during this season to teach and train learners on particular skills especially practical skills,” Mr Njeru
Home schooling
Homeschooling is a key area which teachers should embrace during the pandemic. The programme enables teachers and parents to ensure learners continue with their studies while at home.
Teachers can use the programme to tuition their students and earn money while at home.
According to Sarah Maiwa, the homeschooling trainer in Africa, the programme builds confidence without necessarily putting pressure on them to pass exams.
The trainer, who is also a trained teacher has helped her two children to become more confident, honest and has built their integrity levels.
Among the advantages of homeschooling she said, is that it also helps fast learners to go their pace, unlike the conventional school system where all learners move together at once from one class to another.
“Homeschoolers are self-motivates as the system allows awards learners on merit. The learner sets her goal in a goal card and works hard to achieve them,” she said
Language training
In many African countries, the language barrier has remained a major challenge especially in rural areas where children use the local languages.
For a teacher, training children and adult learners who are unable to communicate fluently in either English, French, Germany, Swahili, or any other language is a key innovative idea that they should embrace.
According to Mr Njeru many Africans have considered learning at least one foreign language so as to compete favorably in the ever-evolving African market.
“Teachers who are teaching these languages at various levels should consider the larger public and offer online courses at a reasonable cost,” he said.
Creating  educational content
Learners, especially in institutions of higher learning have always relied on online tutorials, most of these tutorials are not developed from the African context and so educators should consider developing local content.
Mr Njeru said, teachers should be keen in developing various educational content such as tutorials, videos or voice recording and books that would benefit learners of different ages.
For primary and secondary school teachers, they should develop content that suits their learners depending on ages and level of study.
Online mentoring of students
The closure of learning institutions in Covid season has left learners, many of whom, are teenagers with lots of free time.
Mr Njeru said there is a need for such learners to be engaged in constructive forums where they not only receive constant guide on how to maximize the time they have but also be engaged in fun activities that can keep them focused.
“A students’ mentorship program online would be a good opportunity not only for a teacher to utilize his or her passion but also for the learners to be engaged in a more focused and constructive manner,” said Mr Njeru.
Educational Website
The use of technology has become a a global necessity in the 21st century. Mr Njeru said any purposeful online community has resulted to be rewarding. Websites have been attracting traffic online with most of the young people getting into the internet to acquire different kinds of knowledge.
“Tech savvy teachers should consider developing their own websites and sell content either via affiliate marketing or direct selling educational electronic resources,” he said
Proofreader and Transcription
According to the ICT head, proofreading services are not only needed for academic documents but also for technical documents in various companies.
During the pandemic when many companies are considering virtual workers, a language teacher could consider to establish proofreading and transcription business, he said.
“With many companies holding virtual meetings, services such transcription of zoom meeting recordings, calendar management for executives among others would be valuable for teachers,” he said.
Virtual Teaching Assistant
During the Covid 19 pandemic, many instructors in institutions of higher learning appreciate a professional who can assist to convert their long developed content into formats that can be used in blended learning, these formats can be animated videos, PowerPoint presentations and of course multiple-choice questions for evaluations at various levels.
Mr Njeru said teachers should consider this as a venture during the Covid 19 pandemic season as they make an extra income.
“ To be a virtual teaching assistant, teachers should invest in technology as a way of improving on their skills, “he said.
Scholarship consultant
Even with learning processes being halted across many countries, many education enthusiast and learners are still looking for post-covid favorable scholarships to further their education.
Guiding and leading such people through various application processes would be a rewarding opportunity for teachers in this season as they wait for the opening of schools.
YouTube content creation
Content creators, comedians, and the entire entertainment industry has been seen as very proactive in developing content on YouTube.
“Teachers should consider being more intentional in creating such content for learners and earn income via YouTube and other social media platforms,” he said.
Globally, some teachers have invested in Youtube content and have students who subscribe to their channels to learn.
Recreational service providers for learners.
Musically inclined teachers should consider offering online classes to learners especially the young ones during this COVID season.
Other recreational activities would be art and craft, fine arts, online musical instruments training among others.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Trevi fountain is a must visit while on your tour to Rome, Italy


If you are looking for your next tourist destination to spend your holiday, the city of Rome in Italy is the place to visit.

In the town lies the Trevi fountain, and as they say, if you will have to visit, it’s important to consider waiting until it starts turning dark to experience the beauty and splendour that comes with the artistic structure.

The beautiful features are the artistic work of three men standing on top of rock-like structures. And the water flowing like spring from the rocks and settling on the floor to make an ocean look.

The reason behind its romantic feeling is probably its origin and the name, which is associated with love.

The water, given the names Trevi and Virgin Waters, is associated with a young Roman girl who assisted thirsty soldiers to get water from the spring.

It is also famous after being featured in various movies, the most famous being the romantic “La Dolce Vita,” an Italian film.

With Sh1 million, you will be able to pay for a return ticket for your flight and afford to travel to various destinations in the city.

If you want to travel as a couple or with your family, you may consider setting aside above Sh2 million that will enable you to have a luxurious tour away from Kenya.

You may also consider setting aside a further Sh500, 000 million for other local expenditures and for shopping while on your tour.

As we approached the fountain, we were attracted by the number of tourists from various countries across the world, among the Asians, the white people speaking different languages, and the black people from the African continent.

Many had left their countries with their families for a holiday in Rome, Italy, to visit the magical place, which has now become a must-visit while in Rome.

And as many people believe it is a place of romance, we were attracted by a young man who suddenly proposes to her girlfriend after taking some pictures.

For a rich couple that would want to spoil themselves in a lovely scene, the fountain offers that glamorous feeling that remains a memorable landmark in their memory.

From a distance, you can hear the sound of water falling from the spring and back, creating that coastal feeling.

The fountain is a jewel at the centre of the city that has been attracting people from across the world. Although in most of the cities in Italy there is always a fountain nearby, the Trevi Fountain is the most visited by tourists from all corners of the world.

Once you visit, you will always want to visit because of the beautiful structures that make you want to stay.

Most of those who have ever visited the fountain always find themselves travelling back to tour it over and over again to refresh their memories.

Besides the fountain being a beautiful tourist destination, it is believed to have that magical power that keeps drawing people back to the city.

According to locals, once you are at the fountain and you toss a coin in the air using your right hand over your shoulder and it falls in the water, you will have high chances of finding your way back to Rome for a tour.

A third myth suggests that throwing a coin may lead to a new romance, while a third belief suggests that throwing a coin will lead to marriage.

Because of these beliefs, many tourists from other countries who visit the fountain have found themselves tossing one to three coins when they visit the fountain.

According to Francesco Paulo, a vendor who sells souvenirs to visiting tourists, the tradition and the custom of tossing the coins have caused the Rome municipality to collect the tossed coins occasionally to help the poor.

“In a day when between 2500 and 4000 coins are tossed into the fountain, people come with their families and children just to see the fountain,” he said.

Mr. Antonio Reberto, a photographer, estimated the number of those visiting daily at close to a thousand.

During the day, the numbers are large and continue decreasing as darkness enters. However, the government has ensured there is tight security by deploying security men around the fountain throughout the day and night.

The fountain is the largest in Rome and has remained a source of tourist attraction for decades.

It was completed in 1762 as part of the tradition of building fountains to mark the end of an acqueduct.

Its construction started in the 15th century; however, in the 17th century, Pope Clement XII ordered the design to be changed to make it more beautiful. The construction, however, stopped after he died and then competed in 1762.

It was the station point of the Aqua Virgo aqueduct and was used to provide water for bathing soldiers. 

Near Fountain are expensive restaurants with heavy, expressive meals that accommodate the rich, offering them a quiet environment for dinner and lunch.

A tour from Kenya to Rome to visit the fountain using the longest flight offered by Qatar Airways will cost a minimum of Sh 80,117 if you choose Qatar Airways.

From Kenya, it takes five hours to Doha airport and another five hours and 30 minutes to Rome.

While touring the fountain, you can choose to spend your night at the Ibis Styles hotels, which offer world-class accommodations for international visitors.

The hotel room has a wide, comfortable bed, a sofa, and a table that allows you to enjoy your private reading.

A television set that has English channels is also available. In most hotels in the city, most TV stations can only allow one to watch Italian channels. A strong WiFi connection is also provided to the visitors for constant communication, which also allows WhatsApp video calls for one to connect with their family back at home.

A buffet breakfast is offered. The hotel also has a modern restaurant and a bar.

Approximately five minutes’ walk from the hotel is a natural manmade lake that allows one to enjoy the cold breeze throughout the day while on their tour of Rome.

To tour the Trevi fountain from the hotel, one spends up to 60 euros (which is Sh6,528) on a return ticket to use a luxury taxi.

While in Rome, one can also visit the Vatican City, the country of Pope Francis, which has also become a tourist destination for thousands of pilgrims from across the world.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023



Lake Assal is a cavity lake in focal western Djibouti. It is situated at the western finish of Bay of Tadjoura in the Tadjoura Area, contacting Dikhil Locale, at the highest point of the Incomparable Fracture Valley, approximately 120 km west of Djibouti city. Lake Assal is a saline lake which lies 155 m beneath ocean level in the Far off Triangle, making it the absolute bottom ashore in Africa and the third-absolute bottom on Earth after the Ocean of Galilee and the Dead Ocean. No surge happens from the lake, and because of high dissipation, the saltiness level of its waters is multiple times that of the ocean, making it the third most saline waterway on the planet behind Cassanova Lake and Gaet'ale Lake. Lake Assal is the world's biggest salt hold, which is taken advantage of under four concessions granted in 2002 at the southeast finish of the lake; the significant portion of creation (almost 80%) is held by Société d'Exploitation du Lac and Société d'Exploitation du Salt Venture S.A de Djibouti. It is arranged roughly 109 kilometers west of the country's capital Djibouti City.

Lake Assal is an abnormal lake among the most pungent on the planet. Situated in the least despondency of the African landmass with its 153 meters underneath ocean level and kept in the core of one of the most ungracious desert areas, the lake is encircled by latent volcanoes and magma residue of an extreme dim dark tone. An element of this lake, as displayed the pictures handled through the converging of these pictures gained by Sentinel-2 and Landsat 5 satellite, with a period window of 20 years and handled utilizing regular variety groups with a looking like information for Landsat from 30 to 10 meters band goal, shows the specific of this lake to change its tone with the variety of light during the day. Its variety changes from the blinding white because of the store of salt and sodium chloride precious stones, to turquoise and emerald green of the shore, the blue and the light blue of the most profound waters with their progressive subtleties.

A deceptive heaven

From the outset, Djibouti's Lake Assal shows up as a magnificent territory of greenish blue water ringed by blinding white sand. It could without much of a stretch be confused with a Caribbean ocean side. In any case, it is every one of the a façade, a simple simulacrum of heaven. The tremendous plain isn't sand in any way, yet salt.

Strolling shoeless towards the water across the solidified salt field is awkward, best case scenario. As you close to the lake's edge, the furious breeze whips across the plain and slings salt particles against your skin. Entering the water offers no rest. The warm, shallow lake has a bizarre, thick quality; a slick surface that leaves a film on the skin. It stings the eyes and nibbles on each contact. A minuscule paper cut becomes utter torture.

The film of salt, mediocre in the water, becomes irritated when seared dry in the sun. The garbage bristles on the skin and leaves you tingling like a bug ridden canine. This is no Caribbean ocean side.

Multiple times saltier than the ocean

At 155m beneath ocean level, Lake Assal is the absolute bottom in Africa and the third absolute bottom on the planet after the Dead Ocean (- 423m) and the Ocean of Galilee (- 214m). It is taken care of via seawater by means of 5km-long subsurface geothermal springs connected to the Inlet of Tadjoura, an augmentation of the Bay of Aden toward the south-east of Lake Assal. There are no regular outpouring focuses in the lake, meaning the lake water is caught in the pit under Djibouti's burning sun.

Because of high paces of vanishing, Lac Assal has a typical salt grouping of 34.8% (which moves to as much as 40% at a profundity of 20m), multiple times saltier than seawater. It is the second saltiest waterway on Earth after Cassanova Lake in Antarctica, which has a saltiness level of over 47%. The Dead Ocean has a typical salt centralization of 33.7%.

An outsider scene

Lake Assal is arranged on a topographical misery known as the A remote place Triple Intersection, where three of Earth's structural plates are pulling separated, causing a few surprising, frequently dreamlike, regular peculiarities. The African, Somalian and Bedouin plates meet in the downturn, which extends across the boundaries of Eritrea, Djibouti and the whole A far distance District of Ethiopia. The downturn is home to a variety of biological irregularities, including the Dallol sulfur pools and Erta Lager spring of gushing lava in Ethiopia's Danakil Desert.

Circled by torpid volcanoes, Lake Assal - like such a great deal the encompassing scene - feels like it very well may be on an alternate planet. As the water vanishes, salt and other mineral stores grip to each other, making rough support points and different arrangements that make up this powerful scene. 

An old custom proceeds

In spite of the unfriendly scene, the A remote place and Issa individuals have extensive and worked nearby, with salt fueling plentiful exchange for quite a long time. Individuals from the networks scratch and dig the salt from the lake's shore to be shipped along old troop courses to Ethiopia in return for coal, espresso and different products. By and large, ivory and even slaves were exchanged for Lake Assal salt.

Trains of camels and jackasses can in any case be seen conveying up to 120kg of salt each to Berhale in Ethiopia, an excursion that can require as long as five weeks. There, the salt is dumped and taken by truck to Ethiopia's bigger urban communities for more extensive circulation. 

White gold

At the point when the Eritrean-Ethiopian Conflict broke out in 1998, Djibouti supplanted Eritrea as Ethiopia's essential salt provider. The requests of Ethiopia's populace (around 62 million at that point) kept costs high. Hence, the salt from Lac Assal became known as 'white gold'.

Generally, most of Lake Assal's salt extraction occurred on shore manually. Notwithstanding, with more popularity came the requirement for quicker and more current extraction processes. Heavier hardware was utilized to separate a lot bigger dish of salt from the water all things being equal, where it is gentler and simpler to mine. Salt creation in Lac Assal soared from thousands to countless tons each year, driving Djibouti's administration to grow the extraction cycle, further using current strategies to send out the salt from one side of the planet to the other

Steps of creating and implementing a strategic communication plan

  Strategic communications is the process of planning, carrying out, and evaluating the effectiveness of communication activities to meet sp...